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Schickytapes is an online catalogue of selfmade mixtapes or recordings of selfmade music. As such it is just a tool, stored somewhere out there in the world wide web, accessible from every corner of the world. But the real action takes place outside the web, where we meet, where we see concerts, make music, where we make our mixtapes, broadcast our radioshows, on the streets and situations that inspire our soundtracks.
The catalogue is a tool for people that are into exchanging music with a very subjective touch. The mixtape works as a communicative tool that transports personal information beyond the audio information stored on the tape. Schickytape seeks to strengthen the network of cultural and music exchange that connects people rather then dividing them into the domains defined by the branding strategies of the cultural-industrial complex.

Schicky Tapes works decentralised. Only the information about a schickytape, but no musical content, is placed on the schickytapes website. The participants of schickytapes deal directly with each other through e-mail addresses that are placed next to the description of a tape.>catalogue

Publishing on schickytapes means agreeing to the principles of schickytapes, and sending the information about your product to:

inhalte <at> gmx.net

Send at least a scan of the cover (preferably already in web quality - small size!)
the playlist, and a short description of the tape in the body of an e-mail to schickytapes

As well we would like to built up an archive of all Schicky Tapes and we would appreciate if you would send us real a copy of your tape. How to do that we will tell you after you have sent us your contribution!

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